The Full Story

Event Details
Rescheduled to
June 2025
Montgomery BIA is super excited to present our first Annual Chalk the Block Competition and Festival and we are looking for vendors.
Our goal is to line Bowness Road In Montgomery with great local talent with a variety of amazing products and services.
When: Stay tuned for 2025 Date
(deadline for entries 2 weeks prior)
Where: Montgomery - Bowness Road between 45th – 47th Street
What: The first ever Annual Street Chalk Competition is coming to Calgary. A one-day event where artists compete for cash and prizes at various skill levels.
How it works: Vendors will be in the parking lot between 45th and 46th Street along Bowness Road. Set up times will be from 9 – 10:30 am with opening at 11 am till 5 pm.
This is our first annual festival and have set our entry fee at $50 per vendor.
What’s included: 10 x 10 space for a tent if or space for a trunk pop up. (if you require a tent we can forward you to a rental company who has offered a special rate for this event and will deliver and set up your tent).
For more information on our event please click on our event page.​